Free Books for Your Library
The India Phillips foundations supports local public and school libraries with Free copies of the friendship fairy. Libraries have used them as free gifts for their learn to read programs and distributed them to kids who could use a free book. Elementary school teachers and librarians have requested copies for entire classes as part of learning the importance of giving to others. If your organization would like to distribute these books for free please fill out the form to the right.
Below are a few inspiring stories of how Libraries like yours are using and sharing the Friendship Fairy in their own programs:
Children at our local Boys & Girls Club will use your book in our READING WITH FRIENDS program – children will read the story to Service Dogs from our local Animal Shelter.
First let me say the book is precious! Second, the subject of the book conveys the sweetest message and is something children should learn to practice in their everyday lives.
We just received a copy of The Friendship Fairy and love it!!!! We would like to request enough copies for our children for our Summer Reading Program. We are a low income area and our children have limited income to purchase books. We would also like to encourage to be a “friendship fairy” to others.
I just read The Friendship Fairy and I love it! Next summer out reading program theme is On Your Mark,
Get Set, Read! It incorporates sports, fitness, and overall wellness. I think knowing how to be a good friend is an important part of our wellness and happiness. I would love to be able to give our kids a copy of this book next summer!
We’d like to pass the book out to the children of our Literacy Learners – to teach our parents to read to their children.
In our After-school Tutoring Program, volunteer High School students read to Elementary School students. It would be a gesture of success to give them a copy of your publication, to honor their efforts and keep them reading. (Our library was closed for 2 year and is situated in a poor community. City finances are limited. We are now open full time with a staff member of one-me) Thank you for the wonderful story. I am planning a Dia de Los Ninos events around the Theme “Importance of being a Friend to others” / Friendship.
Children at our local Boys & Girls Club will use your book in our READING WITH FRIENDS program – children will read the story to Service Dogs from our local Animal Shelter.
First let me say the book is precious! Second, the subject of the book conveys the sweetest message and is something children should learn to practice in their everyday lives.
We just received a copy of The Friendship Fairy and love it!!!! We would like to request enough copies for our children for our Summer Reading Program. We are a low income area and our children have limited income to purchase books. We would also like to encourage to be a “friendship fairy” to others.
I just read The Friendship Fairy and I love it! Next summer out reading program theme is On Your Mark,
Get Set, Read! It incorporates sports, fitness, and overall wellness. I think knowing how to be a good friend is an important part of our wellness and happiness. I would love to be able to give our kids a copy of this book next summer!
We’d like to pass the book out to the children of our Literacy Learners – to teach our parents to read to their children.
In our After-school Tutoring Program, volunteer High School students read to Elementary School students. It would be a gesture of success to give them a copy of your publication, to honor their efforts and keep them reading. (Our library was closed for 2 year and is situated in a poor community. City finances are limited. We are now open full time with a staff member of one-me) Thank you for the wonderful story. I am planning a Dia de Los Ninos events around the Theme “Importance of being a Friend to others” / Friendship.